custom cannabis packaging

Why Your Brand Needs Sustainable Custom Cannabis Packaging

A 2023 survey across South America, North America, and Europe showed that about 59 percent of consumers value sustainable packaging. As such, they actively look for information on the sustainability or recyclability of the packaging on the products they intend to buy.

Here’s what’s even more impressive. Over 80 percent of the respondents said they would pay more for sustainable packaging. 

With these stats, it’s no surprise that many businesses are adopting sustainable packaging today. As a cannabis brand, you don’t want to be left out. You want to get eco-friendly custom cannabis packaging for your products. 

Eco-friendly packaging addresses environmental concerns and poses other benefits for your brand. Below is a list of benefits your brand can derive from using eco-friendly custom cannabis packaging.

#1. Environmental Impact

One of the primary reasons your cannabis brand needs sustainable packaging is to reduce its environmental footprint. Traditional packaging materials like single-use plastics contribute significantly to pollution. 

As such, you must prioritize using eco-friendly materials in creating your custom cannabis packaging. Specifically, you can use biodegradable options or reusable containers. 

#2. Consumer Expectations

Over time, the cannabis industry has witnessed an increased consumer awareness regarding environmental issues. As a result of this, your brand must embrace sustainable practices. Consequently, this will ensure your product resonates with today’s environmentally conscious consumers.

#3. Sustainability as a Brand Differentiator

In a crowded market, standing out is essential. Eco-friendly custom cannabis packaging helps differentiate your brand from others. It passes across the message that you care about the environment. Furthermore, eco-friendly packaging shows that your brand is responsible and values eco-friendly practices. This positive image can attract environmentally conscious consumers.

#4. Regulatory Compliance

Many regions have specific laws regarding how you should package your cannabis products. Some of these regulations enforce those brands should make use of sustainable packaging. Using eco-friendly custom cannabis can help your brand avoid legal issues depending on your region. You want to spend your resources on something other than legal cases. 

#5. Consumer Loyalty and Long-Term Success

A customer retention strategy is critical in an industry where brand loyalty is vital for long-term success. Sustainable packaging offers a means for you to gain the loyalty of eco-conscious customers. Furthermore, studies have shown that consumers are willing to pay a premium for products from brands committed to sustainability. 

#6. Innovation

Sustainable custom cannabis packaging encourages creativity by using eco-friendly materials in unique ways. You can design packaging that stands out using colors, shapes, and textures, all while being good for the environment. 

You can also create practical features like resealable closures or interactive elements to enhance the customer experience. This innovation reduces waste and displays your brand’s commitment to sustainability.

#7. Safety of Consumers

Sustainable custom cannabis packaging can provide a safer alternative for your consumers compared to traditional plastic packaging. This is because conventional plastic packaging may contain harmful toxins. 

On the other hand, many eco-friendly packaging materials are free from harmful chemicals. This eliminates the risk of potential toxins leaching into your cannabis products. Better yet, it ensures that consumers enjoy your products without concerns about exposure to harmful substances. Examples of eco-friendly materials include recycled paper or plant-based plastics.


Beyond the ethical considerations, adopting sustainable practices provides a tangible and marketable advantage. Sustainable packaging sets your brand apart and enables your brand to also foster consumer loyalty. As the cannabis market continues to evolve, embracing sustainable packaging ensures enduring success in the future.